liza laskina 
With a new study in Moscow came the move. And now I'm already writing this story lying in a new bed, and next to me a loved one is watching a TV series. Tomorrow I have a consultation with a psychologist. I really hope that my treatment will be successful and I will feel much better. I think everything will be fine.
Remember that health is the most important thing in life.
The rest can wait.
In my project, I would like to share with you my inner feelings and conflicts that I struggled with.
For 16 years I lived in my hometown of Zhukovsky with my mother. it was a very difficult time so we couldn't find a common language.there were some conflicts from scratch and a lot of misunderstandings between us. Very often I just didn't want to go home, you know that now there will be another scandal.
My dad has been living with my sister in Moscow for 3 years. My brother has been studying in Scotland for a long time. When they left, it became especially difficult, my mother shifted all her daily stress to me. therefore, the internal aggression began to end in me too early.
My condition began to deteriorate. I didn't want to go to school, I felt as insecure as possible even in the quietest places. It became simply unbearable for me to make new acquaintances, I was afraid that I would not understand you, they would not accept you. I became very withdrawn and short-tempered.
One day I couldn't stand it and signed up for a consultation with a psychiatrist. After a week of appointments, I was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder and prescribed medications. I was in 2 months but nothing helped. I got upset and gave up this activity.
I was angry with myself that I couldn't understand some simple tasks that I wasn't trying hard enough. I began to show my inner aggression on myself.

I tried very hard to behave with restraint and did not show all the storm of emotions to accumulate in me for a long time. I tried to stay afloat.
Diary 2021
С новой учебой в Москве пришел и переезд. И вот я уже пишу эту историю, лежа в новой кровати, а рядом, сидя на кухонном шкафу, мне читает Гюго дорогой человек. Завтра у меня консультация с новым психологом. Я очень надеюсь, что на этот раз мое лечение пройдет успешно и я буду чувствовать себя значительно лучше. Я думаю, все будет хорошо.
Я злилась на себя за то, что не могла понять даже самые простые задачи, что я недостаточно стараюсь. Я стала проявлять свою скрытую агрессию на себя.
Я очень старалась не показывать всю ту бурю эмоций, что долго копилась во мне и пыталась держаться на плаву.
Моё состояние стало ухудшаться. Я не хотела идти в школу и чувствовала себя настолько неуверенно, на сколько это возможно. Даже в самых тихих местах мне было не по себе. Мне стало не выносимо заводить новые знакомства. Я боялась, что меня не поймут, не примут. Я стала очень замкнутой и вспыльчивой.
Однажды, я не выдержала и записалась на консультацию к психиатру. После недели посещение мне поставили диагноз обсессивно – компульсивное расстройство и невроз. Мне прописали множество лекарств, которые я два месяца принимала, но ничего не помогло. Я расстроилась и бросила это занятие.
16 лет я жила в своём родном городе Жуковском с моей матерью. Это было очень тяжело для меня, потому что мы не могли найти общий язык. Между нами возникали конфликты на пустом месте и много недоразумений. Очень часто мне просто не хотелось возвращаться домой, зная, что сейчас будет очередной скандал.
Мой Папа живёт с моей сестрой в Москве уже три года. Мой брат время учиться в Шотландии. Когда они все уехали, стало особенно трудно для меня. Моя мама переложила весь свой ежедневный стресс на меня, поэтому внутренняя агрессия начала зарождаться во мне слишком рано.
В своем проекте я бы хотела поделиться своими внутренними переживаниями и конфликтами, Своей внутренней борьбой.
Помните ,что здоровье это самое важное в вашей жизни. Остальное может подождать.
in me project, I would like to share with you my inner feelings and conflicts that i struggled with.
For 16 years in lived in my hometown of Zhukovsky with my mother. It was a very difficult time so we could'n find a common launguage. There were some conflicts from scratch and a lot of misunderstendings between us.
Very often i just didn't want to go home, you know that now there will be another scandal.
My dad has been living with my sister in MOscow for 3 years. My brother has been studying in Scotland for a long time. When they left, it became especially difficult, my mother shifted all her daily stress to me. Therefore, the internal aggression began to end in me too early
My condition began to deteriorate. I didn't want to go to school and felt as insecure as possible. Even in the quietest places, I felt uneasy. It became unbearable for me to make new acquaintances, I was afraid that I would not be understood and accepted. I became very withdrawn and short-tempered.
One day, I couldn't stand it and signed up for a consultation with a psychiatrist. After a week of visiting, I was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder and neurosis. I was prescribed a lot of medications, which I took for 2 months, nothing helped. I got upset and gave up this activity.
I was angry at myself for not being able to understand even the simplest tasks, that I wasn't trying hard enough. I began to show my hidden aggression on myself.

I tried very hard not to show all the storm of emotions that had been accumulating in me for a long time, and tried to stay afloat.
With a new study in Moscow came the move. And now I'm already writing this story lying in a new bed, and sitting next to me on the kitchen cabinet, Hugo dear man is reading to me. I have a consultation with a new psychologist tomorrow. I really hope that this time my treatment will be successful and I will feel much better. I think everything will be fine right.
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